Lead-Based Paint Contractors and Training Providers
NOTE: The lists below are provided as a service to persons looking for licensed lead-based paint contractors and individuals. They are not meant to advertise, nor endorse any of the listed firms or individuals. The lists are not updated on a regular basis, so it is important to request proof of current licenses for any person/firm before hiring them to perform inspections or abatements.
Lead-Based Paint Renovation
Georgia Accredited Training Providers [Revised April 2024]
Georgia Certified Renovation Firms [Revised February 2025]
Georgia Certified Renovators [Revised February 2025]
Lead-Based Paint Abatement
Georgia Certified Lead-Based Paint Training Providers [Revised January 2024]
Georgia Certified Lead-Based Paint Firms to Conduct Lead-Based Paint Activities [Revised February 2025]
Georgia Certified Lead-Based Paint Individuals [Revised February 2025]