File Review Procedures
Downtown Offices
2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. SE
Suite 1054, East Tower
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: 404.657.8600
To request a file review, email [email protected]. Once a request is received a file review form will be generated. If files must be retrieved from the records center, please allow 7-10 days for record retrieval. The file requested will be retrieved by the administrative assistant and will be ready for review in the file review area.
Please note the following rules for the file review area:
- No eating or drinking at the file review table.
- Cell phone calls are to be made outside in the hallway.
- No travel drives or other personal media may be connected to the computers or copier. Hard copies must be made and cannot be scanned using the printer. File reviewers may bring in their own scanners.
- Reviewers may use their cell phones to take photos of documents.
- File reviewers will be observed to make sure they handle the files properly. Someone will be in the area at all times while files are being reviewed. If it is necessary to use a copier in another area, the administrative assistant will contact Linda, who will either make the copies or observe the file reviewer as he or she makes the copies.
- Black and white copies are $0.10 per singled-sided sheet. Color copies are $0.20 per sheet. CDs can be copied for $1.00 and DVDs for $5.00. Oversized maps can be burned to a CD or DVD by someone who can operate the map printer.
- Cash (exact amount) and checks are accepted as payment. Checks should be made out to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.
- No one may take copies without payment. If you are unable to pay, your copies will be held until you return with payment.
Tradeport Offices
4244 International Parkway
Suite 104
Atlanta, GA 30354
Phone: 404.362.2687
To request a file review, please email [email protected]. Once a request has been received, a
review form
will be generated. If files must be retrieved from the records center, please allow 7-10 days for record retrieval. The file requested will be retrieved by the administrative assistant and will be ready for review in the file review area.
Please note the following rules for the file review area:
- No eating or drinking at the file review tables.
- Cell phone calls are to be made outside.
- No travel drives or other personal media may be connected to the computer or copier. Hard copies must be made and cannot be scanned using the printer. File reviewers may bring in their own scanners.
- Reviewers may use their cell phones to take photos of documents.
- Black and white copies are $0.10 per singled-sided sheet. Color copies are $0.20 per sheet. CDs can be copied for $1.00 and DVDs for $5.00. Oversized maps can be burned to a CD or DVD by someone who can operate the map printer.
- Cash (exact amount) and checks are accepted as payment. Checks should be made out to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.
- No one may take copies without payment. If you are unable to pay, your copies will be held until you return with payment.