EPD Laboratory Operations
The EPD Laboratory conducts chemical and microbiological tests to ensure compliance with state and federal environmental regulations. We are an 80-person, multi-disciplinary, integrated laboratory capable of analyzing air, water, soil and biota for a large number of constituents.
The GA EPD Labs have passed EPA’s stringent UCMR5 approval process for all three UCMR5 methods (200.7, 533, and 537.1) and have successfully completed two rounds of EPA proficiency testing. The EPA Labs are accepting samples for the following analyses:
- PFAS by EPA method 533
- PFAS by EPA method 537.1
- Coming soon: PFAS by EPA method 1633
Please contact Mark Tolbert for additional information
Quality Assurance
- Manager: Jeff Moore, 470-524-0706
Bacteriology Laboratory
- Manager: Mary Bowman, 470-524-0709
GC/MS (Volatiles) Laboratory
Manager: Ralph Schulz, 470-524-0684
Inorganics Laboratory
Manager: Venus Singh, 470-524-2556
Metals Laboratory
- Manager: Shene Jones, 470-524-0544
Organics Laboratory
- Manager: Mary Bowman, 470-524-0709