Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation
The Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation (KGBF) is a network, with more than 70 affiliates across the state, that engages with local communities to end litter, reduce waste, promote recycling, and beautify communities. KGBF is sponsored by the Georgia EPD and received $300,000 in funding from the Solid Waste Trust Fund in FY23 to carry out waste reduction and litter prevention activities
In FY 2023, KGBF, community affiliates, and volunteers collected nearly 556,156 pounds of litter and debris, impacting 116 public spaces and 2,023.5 miles of roadway during the Great American Cleanup event. Approximately 1.5 million pounds of materials were recycled.
KGBF facilitated regional workshops to educate the law enforcement community about Georgia’s litter laws and the importance of proper enforcement. In FY 2023, KGBF awarded 4 grants totaling $5,000 and held 4 workshops with 51 attendees from 7 communities.
KGBF continued to promote state and national educational initiatives and provide technical assistance and training in FY 2023. Other efforts conducted in FY 2023 include the maintenance of the statewide Recycling Markets Directory.
More details and metrics can be found in the SWTF Annual Reports.
BRACE Community Improvement Grant
The purpose of the BRACE Grant Program is to reduce litter, blight, and illegal dumping on public property and encourage code enforcement efforts. Funded through the Solid Waste Trust Fund (SWTF), the grant program is designed to prioritize assistance for communities to address these challenges.
Visit KGBF's website to learn more.