10 Most Common Hazardous Waste (RCRA) Violations in Georgia
Listed below are the 10 most commonly cited hazardous waste violations for Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) facilities in the State of Georgia (determined between 2006-2010). Select the requirement/violation below for links to the regulatory text and compliance guidance. References below are made to the citations in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which are incorporated into the Georgia Rules for Hazardous Waste Management by reference. The specific Georgia rule is cited in the bracket immediately following the 40 CFR citation.
40 CFR §262.34(d)(5)(ii) Posting of Information by the Telephone by Small Quantity Generators [§391-3-11-.08(1) of the Georgia Rules]
40 CFR §279.22(c) Labeling during Used Oil Storage by Used Oil Generators [§391-3-11-.17 of the Georgia Rules]
40 CFR §262.34(a)(1)(i), which incorporates §265.174, Weekly Inspection of Containers by Large Quantity Generators [§391-3-11-.08(1) of the Georgia Rules]
40 CFR §262.34(c)(1)(ii) Labeling of Satellite Accumulation Containers [§391-3-11-.08(1) of the Georgia Rules]
40 CFR §262.11 “Hazardous Waste Determination” [§391-3-11-.08(1) of the Georgia Rules]
40 CFR §262.34(a)(1)(i), which incorporates §265.173(a), Keeping Hazardous Waste Containers Closed during Storage by Large Quantity Generators [§391-3-11-.08(1) of the Georgia Rules]
40 CFR §262.34(a)(2) Labeling of Containers at Ninety-day Accumulation Areas with the Date Accumulation Begins by Large Quantity Generators [§391-3-11-.08(1) of the Georgia Rules]
40 CFR §262.34(a)(3) Labeling of Containers at Ninety-day Accumulation Areas with the Words “Hazardous Waste” by Large Quantity Generators [§391-3-11-.08(1) of the Georgia Rules]
Permit Condition Violation, “Monitoring Well Maintenance” by Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities[The citation for this violation differs, as the Permits are site specific]
40 CFR §273.13(d)(1) Containing Universal Waste Lamps in Structurally Sound Packaging and Keeping the Packaging Closed by Small Quantity Handlers of Universal Waste [§391-3-11-.18 of the Georgia Rules
If you are inquiring about any of the issues associated with a specific Georgia facility that already has an assigned EPD compliance officer, please contact the compliance officer for all questions concerning that facility (i.e., Used Oil Management; Hazardous Waste Determinations; Generator Requirements; Universal Waste Requirements; and/or Permitted Treatment, Storage, and Post-Closure Requirements). For general questions, please contact the programs listed below:
Issue | Program | Phone |
Used Oil Management Hazardous Waste Determinations Requirements for Generators of Hazardous Waste (such as satellite accumulation, less than 90-day storage requirements) Universal Waste Requirements | Hazardous Waste Compliance Program | 404.657.8831 |
Permitted Treatment and Storage Facility Requirements (including permitting and corrective action) | Hazardous Waste Management & Remediation Program | 404.656.2833 |
Permitted Post-Closure Facility Requirements (including permitting and corrective action) | Hazardous Waste Corrective Action Program | 404.656.7802 |
More information on enforcement and compliance history can be found at U.S. EPA's ECHO (Enforcement and Compliance History Online) website that:
- Provides fast, integrated searches of EPA and state data for 800,000+ regulated facilities
- Integrates inspection, violation, and enforcement for the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and hazardous waste laws
- Has added Toxics Release Inventory data, National Emissions Inventory data, and Water Quality Data
- Is updated monthly; check the Refresh Dates section for update information