Pending Applications for Non-Farm Groundwater Withdrawals

Pending Applications for Non-Farm Groundwater Withdrawals Through August 31, 2015

The pending applications listed within the accompanying document (located on this page in the "Related Files" section) are simply a list of all applications in-house.  This list is not a part of any formal process for public comments.  A formal 30-day public comment period only applies to a draft permit that is individually noticed for public comment.  If there is a notice for any draft permit, it can be found by scrolling through this section of the web page.  The pending application table below is updated monthly near the first Tuesday of each month.  Interested persons may review pending applications by appointment.  All pending applications are open for public comment.  Comments should be mailed to:

Bill Frechette

Engineering & Permitting – Groundwater Unit

2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., S.E.

East Floyd Towers, Suite 1362

Atlanta, Georgia 30334