State American Rescue Plan Act Fund

Gov. Kemp Announces More Than $422M in Awards to Reinforce Water and Sewer Infrastructure in Communities Across the State, February 22, 2022

Federal Uniform Guidance rules are applicable for American Rescue Plan Act funds. 

Uniform Guidance can be found at 2 CFR Part 200,  and it establishes uniform administrative, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards to non-federal entities.

Water and sewer infrastructure projects having received State ARPA funding are required to go through the State Environmental Review Process (SERP)”

ARPA Environmental Review Webinar

YouTube Link:

Accompanying wastewater slides can be found Download this pdf file.  here and drinking water slide can be found Download this pdf file. here.

Wastewater Projects

Any sewer infrastructure and domestic wastewater facility that have been awarded State ARPA Funding must undergo an in-depth environmental review and approval process by EPD. This process is designed to ensure compliance with the State Water Quality Rule 391-3-6-.14 and all other applicable State acts, orders, guidelines, and rules related to the implementation of the Environmental Review Process. EPD will prepare either a Categorical Exclusion (CE), Notice of No Significant Impact (NONSI), or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) based on the results of the review.

All wastewater projects should be sent to and include the applicable Categorical Exclusion or Notice of No-Significant impact form. 

If your project requires an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) please contact us.

In the subject line of the e-mail please include the below information.  Once your project has been received it will be assigned to a team member for review and follow-up.

  1. Name of City or County
  2. Wastewater Permit No.
  3. Brief Project Description (for example, New WWTP, Sewer Replacement, Expanding WWTP, Upgrade WWTP, etc.)

Example Subject Line: City of EPD,  GA0000abc, Sewer Rehabilitation

More information coming soon….

Contact Information:

Wastewater Projects




Questions & Project Submittals

Wastewater Regulatory Program

Municipal Permitting Unit

Whitney Fenwick, Manager

(470) 607-3078 New

Benoit Causse, Manager

(470) 938-3353 New



Drinking Water Projects

Drinking water facilities that have been awarded State ARPA Funding will undergo an Environmental Review in accordance with the State of Georgia’s Environmental Review Process (SERP) conducted by Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD). Based on the project scope, EPD will determine whether the proposed project will require a Categorical Exclusion (CE), Notice of No Significant Impact (NONSI), or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Drinking water projects should be sent to

In the subject line of the e-mail please include the below information.

  1. Name of the City, County, and Water System
  2. Drinking water Permit No.
  3. Brief project description (for example Improvements to WTP, Water Main Extension, Meter Replacement, Expansion of WTP, New WTP, etc.)
  4. Include the Water System Project’s Point of Contact

Example Subject line: City of Anytown, GA0000000, Meter Replacement

To be more familiar with the Environmental Review Process please click the link below to see a flow chart of the review process.

Download this pdf file. ARPA Flowchart

Drinking Water Projects




Drinking Water Program

Drinking Water Permitting Unit


Manny Patel, Manager

(470) 524-0585 New

Peter Nwogu, Manager

(470) 8452567 New