UST New Owner Registration and GUST Trust Fund
It is important for you to understand your responsibilities as a new owner of a UST facility. Georgia’s USTMP is here to provide you with information on buying and registering a facility, inspection requirements, and the GUST Trust Fund.
Registration and Inspection tasks are vital to keeping your business in compliance. This section provides you with the current forms for registering your tanks, list of testing companies that provide tank related services (not endorsed by EPD), an inspection checklist so that you stay in compliance, and an informational flyer explaining the most common violations.
If you have just purchased an existing underground storage tank facility or are installing a new tank, there are several documents that must be submitted in order to be in compliance with the underground storage tank (UST) regulations. Your eligibility for enrollment into and reimbursement from the Georgia Underground Storage Trust Fund (GUST) if a release occurs, depends on continual compliance with these requirements.
Click here for Registration and Inspection information.
GUST Trust Fund
US EPA federal law requires that all tank owners prove financial assurance in case of a petroleum release. The State of Georgia enacted the Georgia Underground Storage Tank (GUST) Fund so that owners have a business-friendly option for fulfilling this requirement. Participation is optional but strongly encouraged.
The documents below are available to help you make an informed decision.
Understanding Private Insurance