SIP Construction and Operating Permit Applications
The Georgia SIP Construction & Operating Permit Application (SIP Application) is used to apply for initial air quality permits and for modifications to existing air quality permits. Please note: a Title V permitted facility that is requesting a modification involving construction must complete both the SIP Application and the Title V Application.
If the facility is requesting a name change or an ownership change and no other modification, go directly to Additional SIP Permitting Information below.
The SIP Application consists of separate forms that request information about the facility, emission units, control devices, and pollutants emitted. Each application form contains specific instructions for completion, and the individual forms may be downloaded by clicking the form name listed below.
Submittal Document
contains information for submitting a SIP Application Package, including the mailing address.
A complete SIP Application Package consists of Form 1.00 General Information and only the necessary application forms for the permitting action requested. The SIP Application Package should include all facility diagrams, maps, equipment drawings, calculations, and other attachments. However, do not include any blank forms or form instructions.
A facility with emissions that are greater than major source thresholds may request a Synthetic Minor (SM) Permit. The applicant may propose practically enforceable limits in Form 1.00 General Information of the SIP application.
Confidential Business Information claims should follow the procedures outlined in Non-Disclosure Claims Information Instructions and Forms.