Local Government Landfill Cleanup Reimbursement
What: The Hazardous Waste Trust Fund (HWTF) reimburses local governments for the investigation and cleanup of leaking landfills where the landfill is, or was, owned or operated by the local government. Limited funds are also available to local governments that have been designated as a responsible party by EPD at a landfill that they did not own or operate (this is a less common situation). Landfills may be permitted or unpermitted and approximately $5 million is available annually to help local governments with these expenses.
Eligibility: Only sites on the State’s Hazardous Site Inventory (HSI) are eligible for reimbursement. The first step towards determining eligibility is having the landfill evaluated for placement on the HSI. Once a landfill is on the HSI, funding is available for eligible costs pertaining to investigation and cleanup of the landfill.
Funding Amount: Typically, 100% of the first $500,000 of eligible costs, with 50% reimbursement after that with a total lifetime cap of $2 million per site.
Unpermitted Landfills: Your old landfill may already be listed on the HSI; check that here. If it is not, and the soil or groundwater shows contamination above the standards, notify the Response and Remediation Program by submitting a release notification. EPD will then determine whether the site meets the requirements for listing and, if appropriate, list the site on the HSI. For unpermitted landfills on the HSI, nearly all costs related to investigation and cleanup from start to finish are eligible for reimbursement.
Permitted Landfills: HWTF dollars can’t be used to cover standard permit costs including routine monitoring, closure, and post-closure care; these are the responsibility of the permittee. However, if routine monitoring has detected contamination statistically above regulatory thresholds, notify EPD. EPD will evaluate the site and determine whether it should be listed. If listed on the HSI, funding is available to investigate and cleanup this contamination; costs may include landfill gas/methane controls, Appendix II monitoring, delineation costs, and the preparation and implementation of an Assessment of Corrective Measures (ACM) report.
Frequently Asked Questions
Landfill Reimbursement FAQs
For more information on the reimbursement process and application forms, go to the Hazardous Waste Forms page at https://epd.georgia.gov/hazardous-waste-forms (see 'Local Government Applications' near middle of page) or contact the Response & Remediation Program at 404-657-8600.