Tools for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Implementation and Watershed Planning

This page is maintained by TMDL Implementation Program of Georgia EPD and is intended to provide tools and resources for TMDL Implementation Planning as well as for general Watershed Planning, Protection, and Restoration. Please check back as new items will be added periodically.
(Note: Links marked with an asterisk (*) are not maintained by EPD and will take you away from the site.)
Georgia EPD - TMDL Implementation and Related Guidance Materials
This section provides access to many of EPD's guidance documents for watershed planning, TMDL planning, sampling, watershed assessments, how to submit data, and more.
- EPD - Data Submission - Downloadable information on completing Sampling Quality Assurance Plans (SQAP) and how to submit water quality data to EPD
- EPD - Watershed Assessment Guidance - EPD Guidance material on writing a Watershed Assessment, Monitoring Plan, and Protection Plan
- EPD - TMDL Section - Provides access to EPD's TMDL reports and TMDL Implementation Plans organized by river basin and HUC10
- Georgia Non-Point Source Program - 319(h) Grants - Link to 319-Grants section within GA EPD web page
Other TMDL Background Information - External Sites
This section contains information on TMDLs, such as what they are, how they are developed, TMDL Planning, and more.
- USEPA - TMDL Site* - Link that deals with and provides information on TMDLs
Watershed Planning
General information on watershed planning can be found in this section. This includes access to local watershed information, links to manuals, and further guidance on planning.
- Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters* - EPA manual for watershed planning and restoration
- Center for Watershed Protection* - Provides manuals and such for watershed planning
- USEPA Surf Your Watershed - Georgia* - You can locate your home watershed and information about it
- USGS Water* - Water information from the United States Geologic Survey, information may be searched for by state
- Natural Resource and Conservation Service -Georgia* - Resource of information on watershed planning for agricultural areas
- Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission* - Information about programs and contacts for water quality management, particularly in agricultural areas
- USEPA Non-Point Source Page* - USEPA information on NPS Pollution with manuals and documents on BMPs
- Water Restoration Tools* - EPA provides information about restoration programs. Monitoring programs under the Clean Water Act have identified tens of thousands of U.S. water bodies that do not meet water quality standards and are in need of restoration. These tools help guide programs in investing in restoration efforts
- NRCS Electronic Field Office Technical Guide (eFTOG)* - Provides county specific technical information about the conservation of soil, water, air, and related resources.
Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling
Information for conducting water quality monitoring, specifically approved methods for water quality analysis, as well as, links to several different water quality models.
- USEPA Approved Methods* - Lists of approved methods for water analysis and other information can be found on this page
- Standard Methods Online* - This website contains almost all Standard Methods for water and wastewater analysis and indicates which methods are approved by USEPA
- Georgia Adopt - A - Stream - Website maintained by the State's volunteer monitoring program. Contains information on how to get involved and other programs associated with Adopt-A-Stream.
- USEPA Water Data and Tools* - USEPA page that contains information on how data and tools help protect and restore our waters to ensure that they are drinkable, fishable and swimmable. Water data tools are available for Integrated Water Analysis, Ambient Water Quality, Community Financing, Drinking Water, and Water Restoration
- USEPA Surface Water Models* - USEPA page that contains water quality models for predicting and determining pollutant loading and movement in lakes, streams, estuaries, and marine environments
- Green Infrastructure Modeling Tools* - This USEPA maintained page provides several models to calculate load reductions and costs based on the use of different BMPs
Urban Best Management Practice (BMP) Information
Tools and information on a host of Urban BMPs.
- Georgia Stormwater Management Manual* - Link to Georgia's Stormwater Manual maintained by the Atlanta Regional Commission
- North Georgia Metro Planning District* - Information on model ordinances and evaluations of different BMPs
- Stormwater BMP Database* - Database of Stormwater BMPs and efficiencies from the American Society of Civil Engineers
- Urban BMP Tool* - US-EPA's SUSTAIN is a decision support system that assists stormwater management professionals with developing and implementing plans for flow and pollution control measures to protect source waters and meet water quality goals. SUSTAIN allows watershed and stormwater practitioners to develop, evaluate, and select optimal best management practice (BMP) combinations at various watershed scales based on cost and effectiveness
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program Development* - Information from EPA on illicit discharges and management practices to address them
- EPD’s Greenspace and Flood Protection Guidebook* - Information on Floodplain Protection acquisition, funding, design and management
Non-Urban Best Management Practice (BMP) Information
Tools and information on a host of Non-Urban BMPs.
- GA Soil and Water Conservation Commission Ag BMP Manual* - Downloadable version of the Agricultural BMP manual
- GA Forestry BMP Manual* - Downloadable version of the BMP manual for forestry operations
- Fairfax County VA information on small horse lot BMPs* - Contains information on various management practices for small-scale horse operations
Low Impact Development Practices (LID)
Information and resources on low impact development.
- EPA's Low Impact Development Page* - This page contains lots of links relating to LID
- The Low Impact Development Center Web Page* - Information on various LID strategies and projects
- Georgia Green Growth Guidelines* - Information and guidelines for the use of LID and Green Infrastructure
Funding Opportunities
Links that provide information on various sources of funding for watershed projects.
- Georgia Environmental Finance Authority* - GEFA’s program focus areas are water, wastewater, solid waste, recycling, land conservation, energy efficiency, and fuel storage tanks for local governments, other state agencies and non-profit organizations
- US-EPA Funding Page* - This page is maintained by USEPA and provides links to resources for state and local governments, non-profits, as well as many funding opportunities.
- UNC Environmental Finance Center* - Provides information and tools designed to help communities develop and implement sustainable environmental finance and policies
- Georgia Non-Point Source Program - 319(h) Grants - Link to 319-Grants section within GA EPD webpage
- Georgia Coastal Incentives Grant* - Information on grants available for the 11 Coastal Counties to improve water quality and promote the health of coastal waters
- NRCS: Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)* - Page maintained by NRCS that contains information on this program that provides monetary and technical assistance
Rules and Regulations
Information on Rules and Regulations impacting water quantity and quality. This section contains both Federal and State information.
- US-EPA Water Quality Standards* - USEPA link that contains information on water quality standards, as well as various laws and regulations dealing with water
- Georgia EPD Rules & Laws - EPD page that contains all the rules and laws of Georgia