Historical Point Source Emissions Data
Historical Emissions Point Source Data
Each year, the Georgia Air Protection Branch (APB) collects Facility and Emission Inventory (EI) information from Georgia major source facilities that meet EPA’s reporting thresholds. APB reviews this data and submits this annual point source emission inventory to EPA to be included in the National Emissions Inventory (NEI). APB has made Georgia’s historical state datasets from the NEI available for download as well as a visualization tool to better view these emissions and trends.
Point Source Emission Visualization
The following file is a visualization of Georgia historical point source data using pivot tables in Excel. This file includes filterable graphs and tables to quickly compare historical data for the last 10 years of Criteria Air Pollutant (CAP) emissions.
Yearly Datasets for Download
These Georgia point source annual datasets are downloaded from EPA’s EIS gateway. They include process level emissions for both annually and triennially reported major point sources as well as EPA supplemented point sources gathered through other reporting mechanisms like the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI).
The latest available point source emissions inventory is posted when the APB has completed its review of submissions. The preliminary raw dataset will contain point source CAP and voluntarily reported hazardous air pollutants (HAP) emissions. APB will replace the file with the point source NEI for that year once EPA completes their review.
The NEI includes both criteria air pollutant (CAP) and hazardous air pollutants (HAP) for all point sources in Georgia. HAP emissions data found in the Georgia NEI datasets are either voluntarily reported in CAERS, directly reported to EPA (such as through TRI) , or estimated by EPA through methods such as HAP augmentation of CAP emissions data or calculation using relevent sector activity based emissions factors.
Note: If a county, facility, or specific pollutant from a facility are not included in the inventory, it may be because the emissions were “0”. However, this is not always the case and may be due to unreported emissions (e.g. TV facility is under the PTE thresholds), not yet augmented (e.g. for facilities in annual GADNR sets), or not estimated (e.g. minor facilities are not included).
Complete Georgia NEI raw datasets:
More information on Data
Facilities that meet EPA’s potential to emit thresholds are required by law to report yearly criteria air pollutant (CAP) emissions, while facilities that fall under these thresholds are required to report CAP emissions triennially (as defined in 40 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix A, Table 1). In annual years of the NEI, triennially reporting facilities’ CAP emissions are estimated by EPA, in most cases, to be the same as the previous triennial year.
EPA also publishes a comprehensive triennial NEI that includes nonpoint, fire, onroad, and nonroad mobile source emission inventories. More information can be found at https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-inventories/national-emissions-inventory-nei.