Watershed Assessment and Protection Plan Guidance Documents

Updated Guidance Documents
Elizabeth Booth, 470-607-2439
Tyler Parsons, 470-524-1724
Introduction [Revised Oct 2015]
Watershed Monitoring Plans [Revised Sept 2022]
Watershed Assessments [Revised Sept 2022]
Watershed Protection Plans [Revised Oct 2015]
Watershed Protection Plan Annual Reporting Requirements [Revised Oct 2015]
Most Common Mistakes when Submitting WPP Annual Report Data [May 2024]
Assessment Macroinvertebrate SOP Field and Laboratory Sheets [August 31, 2016]
Assessment Fish Field Sheets [March 28, 2016]
for Using Third Party Biological Data For 305(b)/303(d) Purposes [Revised April 2019]
The ZIP file link below contains an Excel file provided for all NPDES / LAS permit holders who are required to complete a Watershed Assessment and Watershed Protection Plan. This Excel spreadsheet should be used to report all water quality data collected during the initial Watershed Assessment process and during the Watershed Protection Plan annual reporting periods.
Assessment and Protection Plan Data Reporting Template and Instructions [May 2022]
Tools and resources for TMDL Implementation Planning, as well as for general Watershed Planning, Protection, and Restoration can be found at Tools for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Implementation and Watershed Planning.