Tire Products (Tire) Grant
The Tire Products (Tire) Grant furthers the goals for the SWTF by providing financial support to projects in Georgia to reduce solid waste, support manufacturing and market development for scrap tires, and encourage innovation.
FY 25 Updates
SWTF Grant Program Administration Portal
The SWTF Grant Program Administration Portal is an online grant management platform. Previously, applications, reports, and reimbursement requests were downloaded by applicants and awardees and then emailed to SWTF Grant Program Staff.
FY24 Tire Grants Awardees
Starting August 15, 2024, existing awardees with active projects through the Tire Grant will use the Tire Grant Portal to submit quarterly and final reports, and reimbursement requests. Training on reporting and reimbursement requests will be provided at a later date.
SWTF Grant Program Administration Portal Training
Visit the SWTF Grant Program Administration Portal to view the portal training video for the RWD and Tire Grants.
FY25 Tire Grant Cycle
The FY25 Tire Grant Cycle is closed. Applications are currently under review. We anticipate awarding grants beginning December 2024 through January 2025.
To be added to the mailing list for notifications on future grant cycles, please email [email protected].
FY25 RWD and Tire Grants Informational Webinar
Eligible applicants and recipients include counties, municipalities, or any combination of the same, or public authorities, agencies, commissions, or institutions.
Local governments applicants must have a qualified local government status as of the date of their application, as determined by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs: https://apps.dca.ga.gov/LocalGovStatus/planning.asp
Grant Description and Project Tracks
Grants will be awarded subject to the amount of funds available. Eligible applicants may apply up to the established cap of $250,000.
Projects at various stages will be considered. The timeline for the portion of the project funded by this grant may not exceed 24 months in length. There are two project tracks eligible for funding within the Tire Grant. Applicants must choose the project track and may not apply for more than one in the same grant cycle.
Tire-derived Products
These are projects that utilize tire-derived products (TDP). Awarded grant funds will only pay for the direct costs related to the incorporation of TDP and associated services into projects which would normally utilize conventional or virgin materials. Direct costs may include material costs or services, such as hauling, and mixing of the TDP.
TDP may be used in projects including, but not limited to:
- Paving
- Poured playgrounds or trails
- Mats, pavers, and tiles
- Courts for schools or parks
- Traffic related products
No matching is required for this track.
Research of New and/or Innovative Uses for Scrap Tires
These are projects that seek to identify innovative uses and/or conduct research, tests, or develop beneficial uses or products derived from scrap tires. Awarded grant funds may be used for all costs related to research, such as salaries and material testing.
For the Research of New and/or Innovative Uses of Scrap Tires track, the applicant must provide a minimum 20% match of the total project cost. Awarded grant funds will pay up to 80% of the total project cost.
Tire Grant Documents
FY25 Tire Products Grant Program Guidelines
Contractor Affidavit
Tire Products Application Signature Page
Invoicing and Reporting Presentation
Draft Tire Grant Agreement Template
Tire Grant Overview
Tire Grant Invoicing and Reporting Webinar
Questions and Answers
RWD and Tire Grant Q&A
- updated September 27, 2024
Resources for Applicants
Application Instructions
Completed applications and supporting materials must be submitted through Tire Grant Portal.
Information on how to set up a profile to access the Tire Grant Portal can be viewed in the
Grant Program Profile Set-up Guide
Information on how to use the portal can be reviewed in the
and RWD Grant Portal Guide
Previous Grant Cycles