Solid Waste

The Solid Waste Management Program is organized into the following units:

  • The Environmental Monitoring Unit is responsible for reviewing groundwater, surface water, methane monitoring, remediation, and corrective action plans and site suitability reports; analyzing groundwater, surface water, and methane monitoring data; and conducting compliance inspections for methane and groundwater monitoring at publicly and privately owned solid waste handling facilities, petroleum pipelines, aboveground storage tanks and unregulated underground storage tanks. 
  • The Solid Waste Permitting Unit is responsible for overseeing the permitting, financial assurance, construction, and closure of solid waste handling facilities; acknowledging permit-by-rule operations (e.g., collection operations, transfer stations, yard trimmings landfills, and on-site processing operations); reviewing and approving biomedical waste processors; and conducting compliance inspections of private industrial solid waste handling facilities.
  • The Surface Mining Unit is responsible for reviewing applications and approving surface mining land use plans; issuing surface mining permits; conducting compliance evaluations of surface mining operations; reviewing and approving bonding requirements for surface mining operations; and ensuring reclamation of completed mining operations.

Local Government Landfill Cleanup Reimbursement - Georgia Hazardous Waste Trust Fund

For more information on the reimbursement process and application forms, go to the Hazardous Waste Forms page at (see 'Local Government Applications' near middle of page) or contact the Response & Remediation Program at 404-657-8600.