Temitayo Ewemoje
National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)
Temitayo Ewemoje
EPA has new requirements to reduce air pollution from gasoline dispensing facilities (GDF). The gasoline vapor from these facilities contains hazardous air pollutants (HAP) which pose a health risk when inhaled. By installing the controls required by this rule, the amount of HAP released in the atmosphere is reduced by about 5 million pounds per year.
Download a copy of the EPA brochure for GDF Rule CCCCCC
- Visit EPA’s website for more information on GDF Rule CCCCCC
EPD has formally accepted delegated authority for the EPA Stage I rule.
- Adopted by Reference: “Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Gasoline Dispensing Facilities, 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart CCCCCC, as amended June 25, 2008, is hereby incorporated and adopted by reference.”
- EPA rules adopted “as is”
- Rule is located in the Rules For Air Quality Control, Provisions, Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: 391-3-1-.02(9)(b)(143)
- DNR Board adopted rule in October 2009
- Rule became effective November 2009

A Quick Summary
GDFs with a gasoline throughput of 10,000 gallons or less per month:
- Perform good management practices to check for and minimize evaporation of gasoline
- Minimize gasoline spills
- Clean up spills as fast as possible
- Cover all open gasoline containers and tank fill-pipes
- Minimize gasoline sent to open waste collection systems (e.g., Don’t put gasoline in a five gallon bucket and leave it open)
- Must have records that will verify gasoline throughput
GDFs with a gasoline throughput greater than 10,000 gallons per month:
- Same requirements as GDFs with < 10k per month
- Submerged fill pipes that go within 6 to 12 inches of the bottom of the tank
- On or before 11/09/2006 – within 12 inches
- After 11/09/2006 – within 6 inches
- Must submit initial notification within 15 days of startup
- Submit a completed notification form to EPD at [email protected]
- EPD must obtain copies of all initial notifications
- Notification of Compliance no later than 01/10/2011 (if complying before 5/9/08, an initial notification does not have to be sent)
GDFs with a gasoline throughput greater than 100,000 gallons per month:
- Same requirements as GDF > 10,000 AND
- Install and utilize Stage I Vapor Recovery System (minimum of 90% efficient)
- Swivel Adaptors
- Two point systems only for new stations
- Test Stage I Systems annually
- Georgia Air Quality Rules now require all Stage I systems to be tested annually
- Leak Rate and Pressure Cracking for P/V valve
- Static Pressure Performance Test for Stage I System
- Facilities installing EVR will meet the Stage I System requirements
- Visit EPD’s EVR webpage for more information
Notify EPD for:
- Initial Registration
- Compliance
- Testing
Send notifications to [email protected].