Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG)
Fats, Oils, and Greases (FOG) being transported from one place (restaurant grease traps) to a disposal site, are governed under State Rule 391-3-6-.24 (Rule).

The purpose of this Rule is to provide minimum uniform statewide regulations for the purpose of regulating transporters that collect and/or dispose of commercial waste; to prevent the improper disposal of commercial wastes; to provide a commercial waste transporter permit that is accepted statewide; and to provide for fees for the cost of permitting and inspecting transporter vehicles.
An independent group called the Southeastern FOG Alliance was developed to help educate the companies and facilitate the rule. More information about the Southeastern FOG Alliance can be found on their website at www.southeasternfogalliance.org
Any transporter, owning or operating one or more waste tank trucks that receive or dispose of commercial waste in this state, must submit a registration form to the Division for the purposes of receiving a registration number from EPD. The registration form can be found at https://www.southeasternfogalliance.org/waste-transporter.html. The transporter is required to take the registration certificate (bearing the registration number) and the waste truck to a local governing authority for inspections before they can haul the FOG. If you have any questions, please contact Kelli-Ann Schrage ([email protected]).