Flint River Basin Plan Documents and Links
This page contains links to FRBP documents of interest.
Director's Response to Stakeholder Advisory Committee (PDF file)
Stakeholder Advisory Committee Letter to EPD Director, October 14, 2005 (PDF file)
Georgia EPD To Hold Town Hall Meetings On Farm-Use Water Management Plan (PDF News Release)
Attorney General's Office comments on EPD authority to appoint Stakeholder Advisory Committee (PDF file)
Stakeholder Advisory Committee, Permitting Recommendations, Final as of November 14, 2005 (PDF)
Stakeholder Recommendations for Regulatory and Statutory Reform, Final as of November 14, 2005 (PDF)
Economics of Southwest Georgia Agriculture: Management Scenarios and Impacts (PDF version of a Powerpoint presentation)
EPD Surface Water Models for Spring and Ichawaynochaway Creeks (PDF version of a Powerpoint presentation)
Water Conservation in the Flint River Basin (PDF version of a Powerpoint presentation - April 20, 2005)
Proposed Outline of Flint River Basin Water Development and Conservation Plan - February 18, 2005 (PDF file)
Technical Summary of Hydrogeology, Farm Water Use, and Ecology (PDF file)
Flint River Basin Regional Water Development and Conservation Plan (Powerpoint Presentation)
Agricultural Water Use and Permitting (Powerpoint Presentation)
Attorney General's Office comments on EPD authority to appoint Stakeholder Advisory Committee (PDF file)