Title V Permitting
Georgia EPD has introduced a new online Title V permit application. Title V permit applications are now required to be submitted by using the new Georgia Environmental Online System (GEOS).
- Training information for GEOS is available online
Please note that there is no ability for EPD to hold information submitted in the GEOS system “Confidential”. All information entered should be “Public.” If there is a need to hold information confidential, please contact Steve Allison in the Stationary Source Permitting Program at the Air Protection Branch.
Useful GEOS Information
Below are links to useful information about GEOS. Please look at the Basic User Information document prior to registering.
Basic User Information
Starting a new Title V application
Comprehensive Title V application instructions
NOTE: Data cannot be imported from the old Title V software database into GEOS. All information must be entered from scratch in GEOS.
Responsible Official Authorization of Delegation
A Responsible Official (RO) may delegate another representative to represent a facility in its Permit and Environmental Protection related reporting and filings with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, including but not limited to Emissions Fee Statements, Emission Inventory reports and Title V/SIP Application submittals.
Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM) Plan
40 CFR Part 64 requires the submission of a Compliance Assurance Monitoring Plan or "CAM" Plan by those facilities that have equipment subject to the CAM regulations. The CAM Plan must be submitted with the Title V application. The Microsoft Word document that can be downloaded on this page is to be used to provide the information required by the CAM regulation.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Part 70 Application Supplement
The Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule (40 CFR Part 70, amended June 3, 2010) makes Greenhouse Gases (GHG) subject to regulation under Title V as of July 1, 2011 if facility potential-to-emit equals or exceeds 100,000 tons of CO2e per year. To address this, EPD developed an application supplement that must be completed and submitted with any Title V application (or Title V modification application) as of July 1, 2011.
August 15, 2014 Update: Due to US Supreme Court Decision June 23, 2014, The GHG Supplement form is no longer required to be submitted.
SIP Permitting | Synthetic Minor Permits | Permit-by-Rule